Well, the same thing happened to people who opened their MacBooks for any purpose like repairing or upgrade and found that a coin is sealed inside the plastic covering of the optical drive. Few images are shared on public platforms like MacRumors forum and Imgur that shows coins inside MacBooks. Here are few piece of photos gathered from the Internet, have a look: Popular site Gizmodo wrote about this thing, and the article was posted on Quora with the belief for a comment from someone, who can give details on why Apple includes a coin inside MacBooks. One of the former Apple Engineer, Michael Vogel answered the question by saying: “All of these coins are in slot loading optical drives. People would place their computers into a bag that also had changed in it, the coins would slide into the slot and get wedged in the plastic underneath the drive.” “As an Apple technician, finding coins inside of a slot loading optical drive is incredibly common because people put coins in their backpacks with their computers. It’s no mystery. Apple isn’t leaving coins inside of their products.”

So, what is the reason behind the coin inside the MacBook? According to Daily Mail, Coin inside MacBooks prevent the laptop from overheating issues. The trick will only work if the coin is cooler than the machine, reported by a Twitter user. However, it’s still hard to believe that a single coin placed inside the laptop can prevent overheating. Therefore, the existence of the coin inside MacBooks remains a mystery. So, what do you think about this? What might be the possible reason behind this? Share your views in the comment box below.

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