However, just like all other iPhones, iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max also kept receiving lots of negative feedback from users since it was launched. Users are complaining about the charging issues, bad front camera, etc. Now, it looks like there’s some more bad news for Apple and its new iPhones. Several large retailers in India have said that Apple’s newly launched iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max is struggling to fly off the shelves. Not only that, but the retailers also noted that almost half of their stock is yet to be sold. The reports of Economic Times also claims that the sales of both iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max were down to about 55-60% compared to last year’s iPhone X in the first three days of the launch. The same reports also claim that the senior executives of Reliance Digital and Sangeetha Mobiles also aggress that this year’s iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max sales are off to a very slow start. The company imported as much as 1,00,000 units of brand new iPhones for sale in India and distributed the stocks across all region, in order to ensure that the sales would start off with a bang. However, things haven’t gone the way its expected. The most probable reason behind the weak response in India might be the price hike, or it may be also because of the festive seasons. So, what’s your opinion on this? Share your views in the comment box below.

New iPhones Gets Weak Response  40 45  Stock Unsold After Launch - 91