Joshua Jones
Netflix is trying its hand at retelling this story in the new animated film Scrooge: A Christmas Carol, and has released the first trailer just in time for the holidays. In the trailer, we get glimpses of the ghost that will haunt Scrooge on Christmas night and the incredible animation from Axis Studios. The new Christmas Carol has a star-studded cast, including Luke Evans (voices Scrooge), Olivia Coleman (voices ghost of Christmas past), and The Crown’s Jonathan Pryce (voices Jacob Marley). Stephen Donnelly serves as director, with music and lyrics by two-time Academy Award and Grammy winner Leslie Bricusse. When discussing what to expect, Donnelly teased magical elements that keep those familiar with the story on their toes. Scrooge: A Christmas Carol will stream on Netflix starting Dec. 2, 2022.

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No Humbug  Latest Scrooge  A Christmas Carol Trailer Will Warm Your Heart - 20