But until now they were simply rumors finally came confirmation that in the year 2017 Nokia will return to an area that it know much better than anyone. However, everyone knew that Nokia’s return to the production of smartphones and its own brand fame will help it to boost its presence in the market. Several rumors have emerged and on several occasions came evidence that the company will be to certify new devices, but they always came without any confirmation. After the sale of its mobile division to Microsoft, the company was unable to produce or market new devices under the agreement that is established. But now the tech giant Microsoft sold the brand and the exclusive contracts ended, it’s time for Nokia to return to its initial position. So, the good news is Nokia is all set to make a major comeback in the smartphone market in 2017 as the Finland-based company is preparing to launch two new smartphones. The rights to launch, manufacture, sell and advertise Nokia phones is bought by HMD Global and the company has selected Mother as its lead global agency. Mother will put marketing effort to enhance selling Nokia Branded smartphones. An essential update on the Nokia website brought a section not seen for a long time. The company itself confirmed that its first smartphone running Android will be released in early 2017. The news marks the return of the Finnish company into the smartphone market, after the sale of the mobile devices division to Microsoft, in 2013 as we told earlier. But, hold on, as a new piece of official information again emerged, which simply indicating that the more iconic Nokia feature phones would come before the Android smartphones. Now this sounds really bit odd right. As this new information comes directly from an interview with HMD Global CEO, Arto Numella, which was already published in The Economic Times. At the interview, HMD Global CEO, Arto Numella has provided enough leads about the release of a Nokia-branded feature phone manufactured by HMD Global. HMD Global CEO, Arto Numella, stated that “HMD Global would venture globally right from the day when the new feature phones (Nokia-branded) are launched”. So, now it is clear that the new Nokia feature phones would also come to India as well and in India, Nokia feature phones are still considered as one of best phones, even India is still considered as one of best Nokia’s strong markets. Hence, the launching of new feature-phones branded again by Nokia makes complete sense. HMD Global CEO, Arto Numella, also made it clear that the new Nokia smartphones would be launched early in 2017 as it is expected. However, the new feature phones may arrive earlier than the new Nokia Android smartphones.