The social network Twitter said that it will launch an online application to check accounts, which allows users to recognize public figures and organizations as authentic. The verification allows proving the involvement of a Twitter account with any person or public institution, such as celebrities or even government organizations. As it is important to note that while the request is accessible to any user, meanwhile none of this can guarantee that you will get the blue badge. With this initiative, Twitter likely to arise more verified accounts, as many people will take advantage of the process as it is more convenient. The vice president of Twitter user services, Tina Bhatnagar said that “We want to make it even easier for users to find artists and influential people on Twitter, so it makes sense for us to let people apply for the verification”. Moreover, the vice president of Twitter user services, Tina Bhatnagar added that “We hope that the opening of this process will result in more people to find optimal and highly qualified accounts to follow and that these artists or influential people to connect with a wider audience”. Hence, the social network Twitter introduced the auditing of accounts in 2009 and now has audited 187,000 accounts including the musicians, television personalities, film, the fashion world, government, politics, religion, media, sports, Business and other areas of major interest. As it is very simple that verified accounts help to increase the number of followers as well as allows followers to make sure that they are reading the authentic and genuine commentaries instead of any spam. Here is the request link from which the users can easily request Twitter for a verified badge.