Logically, the company gives its users more opportunities, while on the other hand if we notice they are also increasing their lists of potential users. It is in the pie representing the emerging markets, which is generating new online battle with India as a major point of interest. Hence, YouTube knows every key marketing strategy probably why in India it has launched a new app called YouTube Go. Promising to launch in more countries this year and have completed the application deployment next year, the idea is that this new YouTube app allows you to enjoy videos without investing so much of hard earned money on it. As explained by Johanna Wright in the official blog service, the vice president of product management at YouTube, the new version of the app is intended to show content offline beforehand, which can download videos in low quality or high quality for your enjoyment once you have a good connection to your operator or even a Wi-Fi network. For Wright, one of the most important details of this new app is the opportunity to see preview images of the video, allowing you to decide if you want to download it or not, to this, the ability to see popular videos on the home screen area and the opportunity to send videos to friends without spending part of your data plan. “Gradually going to take YouTube Go to more and more people in the coming months,” said Wright and also added the global launch will end next year. Clicking Here, you can see the subscription page of YouTube Go that will notify you when it is available in your city. Other popular apps also have light versions. Probably the most notorious case is that of Facebook Lite, which can be downloaded to see your social network with the least possible expenditure of data.