Ethan Anderson
Changing Your Character’s Appearance in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands
To change or edit your character’s appearance, you’ll need to obtain the Sword of Souls and return it to the game’s hub town, Brighthoof, after meeting Queen Butt Stallion. Yes, that Butt Stallion. After this early mission, you’ll be given the tour of Brighthoof, which will bring you right to the Quick Change station that appears in every Borderlands game. The station allows you to edit your character’s physical appearance, emotes, banners, and more. The Quick Change station is located inside Izzy’s bar. She’ll walk you right over to it and even comment that she’s shocked that it’s free to use. You’ll unlock more customization options in the form of loot drops — again, just like in the Borderlands games. Return to the bar in Brighthoof to try out any new cosmetic options found while exploring. That’s everything you need to know about how to change character appearance in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. Be sure to search Twinfinite for more tips, tricks, and other guides on the game as you explore the Wonderlands.