GA Lungaro

Which Inquisitor Is in Tales of the Jedi?

In the Tales of the Jedi episode “Resolve”, the Inquisitor who arrives in the farming village where Ahsoka is hiding is not explicitly named. When checking the credits and audio voice assistant feature, the character is only listed as “Inquisitor.” There are a few possibilities on who this could be. Let’s take a close look and saunter into Theoryville. Voiced by Clancy Brown, the menacing Dark Side user tasked to hunt down the remaining Jedi after Order 66 wears a black cloak emblazed with the Empire insignia. He wears a mask, described by the audio assistant as “bird-like,” and is reminiscent of a plague doctor mask. Ahsoka faced a similar situation in a farming village with an Inquisitor in the 2016 novel, “Ahsoka” by E.K. Johnston.

Theory #1: The Sixth Brother

The Sixth Brother, who first appeared in Aksoka’s novel, has not appeared on any television show in animation or live-action. In the book, Ahsoka hides on the planet Thabeska with the Fardis, a farming family. Ahsoka went by the pseudonym of “Ashla,” the same name used in Tales of the Jedi. An Inquisitor, the Sixth Brother, had been tracking Ahsoka and confronted her on Thabeska. Ahsoka was able to defeat and kill him without even fighting by merely grabbing the hilt of his saber and causing the kyber crystal to overload and explode. The ensuing explosion near his face instantly killed the Sixth Brother. Ahsoka later uses his kyber crystal to create her iconic white lightsabers. His face is described as having grey skin, and he wore a helmet with a face shield. The first time he is visually depicted is in the 2017 run of the Darth Vader comic books by Marvel Comics, and a similar look was adapted in the comic, but it is nowhere near the same look we see in Tales of the Jedi. However, we must remember this is a Dave Filoni project. Filoni has been known to retcon characters and events through his projects frequently, so there is a potential that this is a new retelling of what occurred in the Ahsoka novel, and Filoni opted to change his appearance for dramatic purposes. While not causing his lightsaber to explode, Ahsoka did grab it midswing, taking it away from him and killing him with it in the episode. Both events occur on an outer rim farming planet with people who took her in and called her Ashla, so this Inquisitor being the Sixth Brother is plausible.

Theory #2: The Tenth Brother

Another possible theory of the identity of this Inquisitor is the Tenth Brother, formerly known as Prosset Dibs. Unlike most of the other Inquisitors, Dibs was not a former youngling or padawan; he was a full Jedi Knight who served in the Clone Wars. He was a male with dark skin, long gray hair, and no eyes, and while not wearing a helmet or mask, he did sport a cloth covering the lower half of his face. During the Clone Wars, Dibs was sent on a mission to Hissrich, where his faith in the Jedi’s role as peacekeepers clashed with their new responsibilities as generals in the Galactic Republic’s armed forces. When Dibs returned to the Jedi Temple after the mission, the Jedi High Council put him on trial for attempting to kill Mace Windu. The death penalty was on the table, but Dibs was sentenced to rehabilitation at Windu’s request. After Order 66, Dibs was recruited into the Inquisitorius and became the Tenth Brother. He met his end in 18BBY while tracking down a surviving Padawan Ferren Barr on Mon Cala. Barr managed to manipulate the purge troopers to execute Order 66 on the fallen Jedi, killing the Tenth Brother. The Ahsoka episode Resolve roughly takes place around the same year that the Tenth Brother was killed, 18 BBY. The fact Dibs was a Jedi Knight fighting in the Clone Wars could lend credence to why the mystery Inquisitor immediately recognized Ahsoka. We also see this Inquisitor have glowing, artificial-looking eyes, so perhaps he could have been given cybernetic eyes as an Inquisitor. A slight retcon by Filoni on how he met his end is possible.

Theory #3: A New Brother

The total number of Inquisitors that served under Darth Vader is not set in stone. Currently, it is numbered fifteen in total. Of these, only nine have been named and/or shown, five being Brothers. Assuming they were equally split between female and male, there could be up to seven or eight Brothers, so a possible three who are unknown could still be floating around out in the galaxy. Occam’s Razor can lead one to easily assume this Inquisitor is a new one yet to have been seen in the Star Wars canon. Tales of the Jedi left fans with a lot to digest and theorize on, but now you know our theory on who is the Inquisitor that Ahsoka killed in Tales of the Jedi. Tell us in the comment section who you think he could be and remember to check out our other Star Wars content such as how Tales of the Jedi proves we need more one-offs, information on Damon Lindelof’s new Star Wars project, and what is a pepper tree in Andor.

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Who Is the Inquisitor That Ahsoka Killed in Tales of the Jedi  Theory - 97